Saturday 31 October 2009


Another horrendous bus journey, felt sick pretty much the whole way, but it was sooo worth it! we got a colectivo from Palenque to El Panchán were all the cabañas are situated in the dense jungle. The jungle is amazing, very humid though and lots of bugs and spiders. After sleeping in our deet saturated cabaña, we got up to go to the palenque ruins. They were discovered by a spanish priest in the 1700s after he herd tales from Maya hunters about 'the lost jungle city'. There were hundreds of excavated buildings, all cover in symbols and paintings. You could explore many of the buildings without seeing another soul- that´s how remote they were.

At one point Leggra's flipflops snapped and considering the amount of spider crawling around, we improvised and made her jungle shoes by tying vine leaves around her shoes. After lunch, back by our cabaña, the scariest thing happened! We herd two loud bangs and a women ran out of the restaurant shouting 'phone the police'. We had no idea what was going on but when i asked someone, they said that it had been a gun shot but that nobody had been killed or hurt and that the police were on there way. He seemed ridiculously chilled about the situation, so Katie and Leggra made me ask him if it happened often to which he just shrugged and said, 'yea.. sometimes' When I asked him if the situation was serious, he just smiled and said, 'Yea.. a bit.'

So anyway, that really scared me and we didn´t leave our table for hours. The locals on the other hand, just got back to work like nothing had happened.

Dinner was really fun, after our food there was a band and this guy came to the table and asked me to dance. I was a bit nervous because their style of dance is so different here but it was so fun. It felt like salsa but had a slightly different rhythm, all the same.. lots of spinning around ect... Then there was a fire show- girls did the spilts, handstands whilst spinning sticks of fire over their heads. Pretty amazing.


  1. Any photos of your dancing? If not,don't worry, I can imagine it

  2. Spiders..... Much more scary than gunshots !!! How big were they ? Sally x

  3. Hi Sally, that did make me laugh! (From Sasha's mummy, not yours!!)

  4. Granny said,

    Spiders ugh!! Especially with Flipflops in the jungle .

  5. Wow-the Inca trail sounds fascinating.I like the sound of that chocolate hotel too-but hope you are all brushing your teeth!

    Dentist Aunty
